Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chemical Love

Hormonal reactions
Triggered by physical actions
Send chemicals surging
Through arteries and veins,
Like a shot of heroin
Cupid’s bullet to the brain;
Temporarily disabling all rational thinking,
Left suspended in a state of infatuation
A state of mental intoxication.
Chemical love;
The kind of love that gets you high...

Monday, March 16, 2009


Closeness is not defined by physical proximity
But rather a dance between souls
Of complex and complementary strokes,
A body of intimacy
If formed by a presence completing an essence.
Bodies of mind unfold by the touch of fingertips
From conversations
as profound as the brush of quivering lips…

A precious bond between two entities
Is created by a synergy of energies
Sometimes found between sweaty palms clasped, hand in hand;
Enclosed in the words of letters between long distance lovers;
In the comfort of a child’s head laying in rest upon their mother’s breast;
Even in the electric signals of phone calls and online messages between friends.


Thanx Philip 4 d inspiration! :-)))