Sunday, November 16, 2008

pieces of portraits

Both pieces are sections of other pieces done in oil paint, but croped and computer edited to create totally different pieces...

they are sections of portraits (of fictional characters, the people in my head-lol)
Which i will put up later...

The red black and green one on the top is of the arches of eyebrows and closed eyelids,another beautiful feature of the curvatious female anatomy which most tend to over look...

The second is of a face at 3/4 turn angle, also with a Red Black and Green colour scheme. i like the 'pixel' feel to it, it has that mosaic thing to it that makes you squint your eyes and turn your head side it was made up of may individual tiny bits and pieces to make the individual face, it gives it a unique identity...

overall i like the abstract nature of both pieces because they can be interpreted entirely differently by someone else, so it makes it interesting...

overall they are pieces of portraits, and they convey bits and pieces about people...

like most of my work, these pieces are symbolic. But i don’t want to always spell it out for people, i think i've dropped enough hints and clues.
let me know what u think.


the first one is unfinished, was just in my sketch book, oil pastles, the other two in oil paint. tho they look better in real life...
The concept? connection, love, companionship, togetherness, peace as one, one love

a remix of sistahood, can u see the similarities??

i dont quite know what to call it...
any suggestions??

Friday, November 7, 2008


I've decided to start posting my art work on here too,
most of it is still quite raw, so there’s alot of improvement that can be made, like the title of this blog suggests, it’s in the middle!

Anyway, this piece is called Sistahood, and its done in oil pastels (yeah, the crayon like things) and no they are not lesbians! (well technically art is art and its up to you to perceive in in your own way, just don’t tell me that you think they lesbians because their faces are together, cause that will just piss me off!)

Its about unity between the black and brown females, i use alot of brown as u can see, and that’s because i'm trying to bring out the beauty and diverse shades of the brown skin.
Being light skinned myself I’ve always wished i had darker skin, i used to be teased by other larger darker girls in my class in primary that my skin was the colour of shit. "Poo Poo Colour" l always wished i was a tall ebony queen, but I’m a caramel-butter-brown-sugar colour, and I’ve grown to accept and love!
In this piece i try to bring a unity between the ebony queen of my fantasies and caramel brown sugar that i am. Because we are all shades of brown, there is no "Black" and "White"... and all shades of brown is beautiful. To me the colour brown symbolizes humanity...
Most black girls have ever gone through this, the dark ones want to get lighter and the light ones want to get darker, and some go as far as messing up their skin with products that claim to be able to get the skin tone they want, instead of accepting and being proud of their colour!
Their eyes are closed because they are at peace, with one another and with themselves.
They are crowned with large dark afros, which are not distinctly separate, and once again emphasis their unity...


Catch the wind

The wind blows change.
Changes shape,
and flow,
but cant change what we feel,
dont have to see it to know,
that these feelings are real.
Cant know where its going
even if the wind gauge pointed so,
so dont try to chase a feeling
beacause you cant catch the wind.